Saturday 16 May 2009

Dance like King David danced

The bible tells us that King David danced before God and that when he was down he encouraged himself by telling himself to put his hope in God.

I was doing some dancing today and encouraging myself by using positive words to build myself up. I decided within myself that I want to sing, dance, laugh and smile more often because the bibles says that 'Weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning' psalm 30: 5 and that 'A merry heart doeth good like a medicine'. Maybe you feel that you do not feel like dancing as you may feel overwhelmed by so many problems and stresses such as revision for exams, relationship issues, family problems, financial problems or stress - but the bible says that we should 'Call those things that be not as though they were' meaning that we should prophesy our future, speak forth good things over our future and lives, God said let there be light and there was need to start saying things like 'I am blessed, good things happen to me everywhere I go, I am highly favoured and fortunate, I am a winner, I will never give up, I am wealthy and happy'.

The bibles says that 'The Joy of the Lord is your strength'. Put your hope in God, I encourage laugh more Joyce Meyer (International Preacher who I see as my spiritual mum) said that we need to celebrate life more and be like a little child full of expectancy (we need to expect that God will do good things in our lives). Make a joyful noise to God. Dance, sing, laugh and smile and allow God to restores your fortunes and captivity before your very eyes because that is what he wants to do ultimately. (Read Psalm 126)

The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing.”- Zephaniah 3:17

Maybe God has shown you himself as healer, friend, strength, comforter...encourager but he wants to show you that he is your redeemer, just as he saved and delievered the Children of Israel from Pharoah, he wants to show off and do the same miracles, signs and wonders in your don't give up your hope and faith in God for you shall reap if you faint not :-)

Good luck and please send me emails for prayer or if you need some uplifting at:

If you need tips on success or coaching e-mail me at

Wednesday 6 May 2009

Welcome :-) Be Encouraged, Recieve God's love& Accept you as you are :-)

Dear Friends,

God really laid this blog on my heart for a long time and I was inspired by my cousin Faith who stepped out into her online ministry and I felt led by the Lord to also take the plunge. Years ago I created a
myspace for the idea of my ministry 'encouragement for you'...but I procrastinated and I didn't want to go for it...I wanted to wait for me to be more perfect in my life and to be more blessed...but God showed me that 'He approves of me right now' (Jeremiah 1: 5) and that it is better for me to get out of the boat and use what you have got than to just sit on talents and waste my precious gift of helping others. So as I have decided to receive God's love and approval, love and accept myself and to help others along the way as I change from glory to glory.

Accept yourself as you are:
Firstly I want to begin by encouraging you to by saying be yourself, stop trying to be something or someone your not i.e like your best friend Mike, or like Christina Aguilera or slim like Sandra and finally settle down and be you, be the best that you can be! The truth is, is that we are all imperfect beings, we all have flaws, we all make mistakes, no one is better than each other we are all equal. However in the mist of our imperfections God still loves you and he loves you as you are unconditionally. If you are living a righteous life he loves you, if you live in complete rebellion he still loves. God calls you
'The apple of his eye' psalm 17:8 wow that means that you are special to God. In order to accept yourself more write a list of 40 qualities that you like most i.e. I am kind, I am strong, I am sharing, I have nice eye, I like my thighs and read them out every day. Even stick them on your wall and it will really boost you. Love yourself in a healthy way and forgive yourself for your past mistakes. Also examine what could be holding you back...maybe you may need to right your wrongs...maybe you might need to apologise to some people you have hurt you or maybe you simply need walk along a new path of righteousness and be a better person. Ask the Lord to show you what you should do to accept yourself more as he made you. Say everyday 'I accept myself today and I will be the best me that I can be'. Never hate, condemn or reject yourself again.

Receive God's unconditional love:
We live in a world today where everyone is looking for love and often the wrong places. True love is found in Jesus Christ. We will never be able to fully love ourselves, walk in love with others, forgive, help others, or be truly successful in our careers if we do not have love within us. The only person who is perfect is Jesus, he died for you and your saviour loves you very much 'But God shows and clearly proves His [own] love for us by the fact that while we were still sinners, Christ (the Messiah, the Annointed One) died for us (Romans 5:8). God says in his word that 'You are fearfully and wonderfully made' (Psalm 139: 14) as you spend time in Gods word meditating on his love you will find the strength to love yourself more. Look in the mirror at least 5 times a day and say God loves me, God accepts me and God is changing me. Aim to get a total revelation on the love of God, take time to study his love in the bible, this may take weeks, months or a year. Do it until it becomes so real to you as his love will change and transform your whole life.

If you don't have a bible please purchase one today from your local bookshop. If you need prayer contact me with your prayer request at

Jesus loves you and He stands at your door knocking if you let him in he will come in and have a meal with you. (Revelation 3: 20)

Good luck on your journey of learning to receive God's love and learning how to accept yourself.

Scriptures to meditate on God's love and self-acceptance:
Psalm 86: 17
Psalm 147: 2-3
Psalm 139: 1-14
Psalm 17: 8
Romans 5: 8

I love you :-)

Chioma xxxxxx